Official Invitation
Official Invitation
Central Postal Directory Battalion
Motto: "No Mail, Low Morale" Nickname: "The Six-Triple Eight"

6888th Central Directory Postal Battalion Roster (Partial)
(Note: These names will be listed on the back of the panel of the 6888th Monument. Three were killed in an auto accident in Rouen, France. Dolores Browne and Mary Barlow (Connecticut) died on the first day, and Mary Barkston (New York) the next day.) If you know a former member who is not listed please send all applicable info to our committee.
Updated 9-19-2018
Battle, Lillian Irma PVT; Brown, Dorothy Elizabeth PFC; Campbell, Abbie Noel CPT; Campbell, Addie Lee T4; Coleman, Willie Lee PVT; Davis, Elizabeth Mary PFC; Duncan, Lilian Willierob 1LT; Edwards, Eva PVT; Fairgood, Marcelene Lettice T4; George, Christel Stocks T5; Greene, Irene Robinson PVT; Harper, Gwendolyn S PFC; House, Willie Mae PFC; Johnson, Felicia LaVon PVT; Maniece, Mary Rose PFC; Middlebrook, Susie Irma PFC; Moorehead, Jeanetta Lucile T5; Quarles, Minnie Bell PVT; Seymour, Tassie Mae PFC; Smith, Delores Hall PVT; Smith, Mary Frances T5; Steele, Hattie Irene PFC; Thomas, Ophelia Dark PVT; Walthall, Mary Louise PVT; Williams, Julia H 1LT.
Thornton, Lydia E PVT.
Anderson, Rose Marie PVT; Caywood, Virgie L CPL; Davis, Ella Mae PVT; Evans, Vernice Eloweiss T5; Glass, Rebecca Adella PVT; Griffin, Mattie L PFC; Jacobs, Emma Jean T5; Presley, Torrine Delores PFC; Richardson, Cora Lee PFC; Tate, Lyria Earnestine PFC; Tatum, Ella B 1LT; Ward, Ruby Lee PVT; Williams, Estelle Bernice PVT; Willis, Bessie M T5; Wilson, Anna Mae PVT; Young, Evelyn M PVT.
Bragg, Ora Elizabeth T5; Clark, Gurthalee SSG; Collier, Gladys L PVT; Daniels, Dorothy Ella PVT; Edwards, Alice E 2LT; Foster, Frances Anna PVT; Frazier, Polly Anna PFC; Gray, Mattie Lou PVT; Hall, Jessie Bowie PVT; Johnson, Thelma Pearlie PVT; McDonald, Bette Elizabeth PFC; Moorehead, Mattie Mae T4; Suarez, Viola Evelina T5; Tabb, Dorothy B SGT; Thomas, Essie M PVT; Williams, LaMonthal Laffette PVT.
Brady, Erma Pauline PVT; Fant, Beula Tee PFC; Holbert Luella E T5; Hudson, Jessie G PVT.
*Barlow, Mary J PVT; *Browne, Dolores Mercedes SGT; Fraser, Burnardine E PFC; Harris, Audrey Elizabeth PFC; Jackson, Marian Sarah PFC; Janer, Margaret Beatrice PVT; Kearney, Mary F CPT; McNair, Elizabeth M PFC; Powell, Margaret Mae PVT; Tarryk, Anna M PFC.
Bryant, Grace Evelyn CPL; Carter, Edith Marguerete CPL; Crawford, Mary PVT; Griffin, Evelina Rachel PVT.
Battle, Arleatha Silver PVT; Bridgers, Jessie Mae PVT; Campbell, Irma Lucille CPL; Cephas Frances E PFC; Crabtree, Susan V CPL; Dedeaux, Olive Katheryn PFC; Dixon, Alyce Lillian PFC; Ellison, Edith Marie PFC; Gary, Sarah Belle PVT; Gibson, Eleanor Wyetta PVT; Givens, Elsie PFC; Hall, Gertrude Virginia SGT; Harrison, Lillie Beatrice PFC; Hart, Bernice Annie T5; Jackson, Elvire Louise PFC; Johnson, Emma Elizabeth PVT; Johnson, Lucille Virginia Mae PVT; Kelly, Cecelia Hare SGT; Knight, Annie B., PFC; Knox, Vergie D SSG; Lee, Hattie Mae PFC; Lofty, Velma Claire PVT; Marshall, Esther PVT; McKinney, Marie A PVT; Miller, Hilda M PFC; Primus, Dona Mary PVT; Ruddock, Deloris Louise PFC; Scott, Blanche Leona 1LT; Simmons, Margaret Perkins PFC; Stone, Christina CPL; Truatt, Alva C PFC; Wardell, Constance Arnold PVT; Ware Doris Madeline PVT; Washington, Amelia PFC; Webb Constance Elaine PVT; Williams, Dora Mae PVT; Williams Vertile Jessie Mae PVT.
Burton, Edna Cross T5; Clayton, Gladys Selucia SGT; Cosey, Beatrice PFC; Duncan, Thelma Ann PVT; Everett, Ruby Leania PVT; Fayson, Jennie Lee PVT; Flanagan, Burnadine PFC; Godboldte, Jessie Lee CPL; Greenlee, Sarah L PVT; Hutchins, Dena M SSG; Jackson, Florida Bell PVT; Lamb, Elizabeth Ola PFC; Little, Fannie Boyd SSG; Lowe, Josie M PVT; Mackey, Marion CPL; Rodriguez, Erma Louise PVT; Singleton, Dannie M CPL; Smith, Elaine O SSG; Smith, Florita Davis PFC; Smith, Geneva Iona PVT; Watts, Essie M T5; Williams, Willie Mae PVT; Wingo, Ethel Mae PFC.
Armstrong, Sylvia Ethel PVT; Barnes, Wilma Evonne PVT; Bradsher, Herlene Roberta PFC; Breedlove, Aileen PFC; Brown, Cason, Mildred E T5; Eugenia Anjoline PVT; Brown, Susie B PFC; Brumfield, Gladys Lenyer SGT; Crawl, Annie Olivie PVT; Davis, Lola Bernice PVT; Davis, Mary F PFC; Dupree, Bertha C PFC; Evans, Cleopatra PFC; Faulk, Jessie Kate PFC; Gleaton, Emma PVT; Goddard, Martha Lorraine CPL; Goode, Marian Sidney SGT; Goodwin, Marseleana Rebecca, SSG; Greene Phyletus Clyde PVT; Hannah, Vernelle Annalee PFC; Harris, Julia Catherine PFC; Harmon, Nellie Ruth T5; Hill, Florine J CPL; Huff, Sadie PVT; Hurston, Cora Lee PVT; Irvin, Willie Belle PVT; Mason, Annie Mae PFC; Morgan, Sarah F PVT; O’Bryant, Essie Dell T5; O’Bryant, Tessie Theresa PFC; Patten, Beulah Helen PVT; Peterson, Mary Louise, PFC; Pinkney, Elouise Algatia CPL; Pitts, Ardella Cody PVT; Rice, Elouise Hudgins PFC; Sherard, Corrie S 1LT; Sloan, Ruth Cathryn PFC; Smith, Henrie Mae T5; Smothers, Ozie Bell PVT; Tanner, Maybelle Rutland PVT; Turner, Bessie Gladys PFC; Waters, Claire Lillia PFC; Wheat, Leola L T5; Williams, Lettie Roberta PVT; Wilson, Clara Emma PVT.
Amos, Gatha Louise PVT; Armstrong, Ella Kelley PFC; Barton, Johnnie M PFC; Beard, Mamie Lee PVT; Beaumont, Geraldine PFC; Bowen, Betty Lou T5; Burt, Lila Virginia PVT; Carr, Gloria Hermoline T5; Collier, Pinkie PVT; Conner, Arjean D PFC; Couch, Anna Mae PFC; Cummings, Ruthanna PVT; Davis, La Fern G.; Doss, Mamie Ann T4; Eiland, Evelyn T5; Ellis, Dorothy PFC; English, Helen Navalee PVT; Fifer, Erma Lee SGT; Fly, Willeen S PVT; Frederick, Frances; Freeman, Gwendolyn PVT; Fuller, Jacqulyn PFC; Fuller, Winona PFC; Goldsby, Cecilia Delphine T5; Grant, Callie Nichols PFC; Grimes, Annie L PVT; Haley, Creadell Johnette T4; Hampton, Margaret Ethelyn PFC; Hibler, Rhoda Mae PVT; Hinton, Lorraine T5; Horace, Marian Clay PVT; Jackson, Mattie Laura SGT; Jacobs, Ruth Sarver PFC; Kitchen, Georgia Ella PVT; Lane, Juanita Rose PFC; Lewis, Ruth Ellen PVT; Lowe, Leatrice Joy PVT; Maddox, Eddye G CPL; Marsaw, Rosa Lee PVT; McBride, Mary Jean PVT; McDougal, Evelyn PVT; Miller, DeLois George PVT; Moore, Lethelma PFC; Norris, Helen Marie PFC; O’Kelly, Thelma Lee PFC; Parker, Ella Lee SSGT; Parker, Sarah Antoinette PVT; Patterson, Elizabeth M T5 Perkins, Willa Mae PFC; Phibbs, Rhoda PVT; Pitts, Lucia M T4; Porter, Emmalene V; Porter, Maude Virginia PVT; Radcliff, Florence Lucille PFC; Sales, Margaret Glenn PVT; Samples, Edna Randola PFC; Scott, Dorothy H 1LT; Simpson, Grace Bernice CPL; Smith, Mary Jane PVT; Stewart, Gussye Delores 2LT; Trail, Sammye Lee PFC; Townsend, Bette E.; Vairin, Grace PVT; Washington, Lois M PVT; Whiting, Willie M PFC; Wilson, Mildred J PVT; Yerger, John Evelyn PVT.
Bivens, Bridget Viola PVT; Butler, Lucille Frances PVT; Cable, Doris M Norrel CPT; Daniels, Bennye Barbara CPL; Dogan, Blanche Wilhelmina CPL; Edmonson, Lula M PVT; Holloway, Mildred PFC Hunter, Alice Tine PVT;; Machlin, Josephine PVT; Maxwell, Doris M PVT; Moore, Hazel D PVT; Tolliver, Cordelia Lucille PFC; Webb, Clara Marie CPL; Whiting, Mary L PVT; Woods, Dolly B PVT.
Craddock, Hazel Evelyn 2LT; Herndon, Geraldine Eunice PFC; Young, Margaret Lydia T4.
Albert, Bettie Mae PFC; Alvin, Thelma Carol PFC; Anderson, Mabel W PVT; Berry, Tommye Ruth TSGT; Jackson, Dollie Elizabeth PVT; Jones, Mintha PVT; Lowery, Lavinia Cleora PVT; O’Dell, Evelena PFC; Patton, Golda Lee T5; Simmons, Rosalie Adelaide PFC; Smith, Bettie Jeanne SGT; Tapp, Alonda Rose PVT; Underwood, Bernice Nelly PVT; Washington, Hazel Leona T5; Wilson, CecilIone PVT.
Adams, Henrietta G T5; Blythe, Jennetta Schooler CPL; Brock, Emma H PFC; Chambers, Effie PVT; Coleman, Alberta CPL; Cox, Venus B PVT; Cross, Minnie Grace PFC; Gill, Marilyn E T4; Hammond, Ruth Henrielle CPL; Harris, Norene SSG; Hayden, Vivian G PFC; Jackson, Julia M PVT; Longmire, Sara Elizabeth PFC; Marshall, Grant Esther PVT; Miller, Evelyn Eva PVT; Nelson, Carrie Ethel PFC; Ricketts, Adele PFC; Saunders, Nettie Mae PVT.
Alexander, Lubertha M PVT; Batiste, Annetta A T4; Bell, Theresa Mae CPL; Carter, Bessie Mae PFC; Charlot, Marie Dora T5; Chestang, Margie Antoinette PVT; Duncan, Liddie Mae SGT; Dunn, Althea Ceronica PFC; Ellis, Margaret G PVT; Green, Dorothy D PVT; Harris, Hattie Jane PVT; Jewett, Willie Mae CPL; Johnson, Martha Lee T5; Jones, Lucille Muril PVT; Landry, Catherine G 1LT; Lawson, Annie Mae T5; LeBeau, ElFreda St Anne 2LT; McClain, Mary PFC; McCullum, Charlotte M CPL; Moore, Marion Mildred PFC; Morrison, Almeta Phelice PFC; Moses, Annie L PFC; Niblet, Normal PFC; O’Gilvie, Gladys B PVT; Pickett, Frances Elizabeth CPL; Simmons, Annette W T5; Talbert, Manthie Robbie PFC; Washington, Malinda Ann PFC; Wearey, Shirley Hertiesine T5; White, Velma Lawhorn T5.
Barnes, Agnes E PVT; Elzie, Vivian N 2LT; Jackson, Mary Rebecca CPL; Jones, Laura Mae PVT; Matthews, Vashti Murphy PFC; Moore, Annie Beulah PVT; Murray, Fayrine R. CPL; Nailor, Mary Catherine PVT; Noisette, Emily Olive PFC; Parker, Thelma Alice PVT; Philyaw, Ethel; Pollard, Hortense PFC; Pollitt, Lucy Geraldine PVT; Sydnor, Gloria A PVT; Tate, Catherine L PVT; Taylor, Gloria Phenryne PVT; Whyte, Grace Margaret PVT; Wilson, Eleanor Ann PVT; Young, Vivian Winifred SGT.
Bias, Laura Amelia PFC; Carrington, Beverly Winifred T5; Carter, Mildred Ellen Davenport CPT; Clark, Enid Ernestine PFC; Dailey, Dorothy Senara PFC; Hernandez, Elizabeth Constance Muriel CPL; McNeeley, Eloise B PVT; Moody, Mary Elizabeth T5; Oliver, Elsie Jeannetta PFC.
Braceful, Annie Lee T5; Brown, Edna L SSG; Collins, Arthurine PVT; Cherry, Willia G 1LT; Dupree, Mildred Virginia 1LT; Gaines, Rosetta PVT; Grinter, Annie K PVT; Hairston, Maetris Lee PVT; Hester, Bernice PVT; Hudgins, Madelyn Lou CPL; Johnson, Philista PFC; King, Adella PVT; Mathis, Celestine PVT; Richardson, Bettye Jean PVT; Taylor, Maude PVT; Thomas, Gladys Odessa PFC; Ussery, Lucy June PVT; Wade, Ruth Verena T4; Woodward, Levonia T5.
Huggar, Bernice Eunice PFC; Lane, Virginia Marcelline CPL; Smith, Vernie Mae SGT; Wallace, Elnora Alta PVT.
Abram, Leona PVT; Bruce, Louise Rita PFC; Cleggett, Lola Irene PVT; Easterling, Sophia E PFC; Fletcher, Edna Allyne PFC; Foster, Bessie Alice T5; Grace, Flora CPL; Griffin, Isabel J PVT; Harding, Adlease PVT; Haskin, Mabel Lucille PFC; Johnson, Olivia PVT; Lackey, Minnie Pearl T4; Montgomery, Mildred Fredonia T5; Paige, Doris Louise T5; Reed, Annie Proctor SGT; Saddler, Gertie Marie PFC; Sibbie, Minnie Smith PFC; Thomas, Essie Mae PVT; Wimberly, Annie Lee PFC.
Cox, Dorothy T5; Hill, Violet W 1LT; Jackson, Anna M PFC; McKell, Pearline CPL; Scales, Florence Verlillan T4; Simmons, Helen Sheron PFC; Taylor, Odessa CPL; Threadgill, Hazel E PFC; Tivis, Georgia Evan T5; Weddle, Theada G T5; Wise, Marguerite PVT
Williams, Genevieve Hanna PVT.
Bradley, Alberta Ora CPL; Nevels, Mable Virginia CPL.
Moore, Doris PVT.
Arkward, Velma Jerome PFC; Avant, Gladys Beatrice PFC; Axam, Bernice S PVT; Birkhead, Dorothy Dale PVT; Boatright, Willamae PVT; Busby, Victoria PFC; Butterfield, Lillian A SGT; Debman, Gladys Eva PFC; Dinkins, Daisy Bell CPL; Gillis, Sylvia PVT; Givens, Hester PFC; Holley, Ada W PVT; Johnson, Johnita Alyse PVT; Johnson, Lillian Willene CPL; Johnston, Dolores Maime PVT; Linzey, Edith Marguerite T4; McMillan, Vermeil Elmira PFC; Miller, Doretha PVT; Moore, Queen Esther CPL; Morton, Georgiana T5; Murray, Edith Frances PVT; Smith, Caroline Elizabeth PVT; Suggs, Marjorie Randolph TSGT; Turner, Catherine E PVT; VanOrkey, Marion PVT; Williams, Breda Violet PVT; Withers, Hearther Riley PFC; Wray, Lauretta CPL.
Amis, Margie L PFC; Anderson, Joyce G PVT; Anderson, Margaret Francis PFC; Armistead, Edith Jane PVT; Augustine, Bernice A CPL; Banks, Dorothy Elizabeth PVT; *Bankston, Mary Hortensa PFC; Bartlett, Dorothy Agnes PVT; Bell, Adelina Harris T5; Blackett, Clarice E PVT; Blake, Virginia A PVT; Braddock, Doris Elnora CPL; Branch, Phyllis Louise PFC; Brown, Marjorie CPL; Bryant, Theodora D CPL; Cabbell, Lillian PFC; Canty, Marcella Lee PFC; Carter, Gladys Schuster PVT; Coleman, Madeline A T5; Collins, Carmew Ismary Hyacinth PVT; Cumberbatch, Pearl Ethlene PVT; Daniels, Ruth Elizabeth PFC; Daniels, Cleopatra Vivian SGT; Deane, Gwendolyn Clark PVT; DeFreese, Emma Scott PVT; Douglas, Harriett Elaine PFC; Douglas, Izetta M PVT; Downing, Lular Rachel PVT; Ebo, Mary Aleese SGT; Fairweather, Amy Mary PVT; Ferguson, Rebecca Beatrice PVT; Finch, Ermantrude PVT; Flatts, Frances E 2LT; Fray, Evelyn Louise PFC; Garcia, Crescencia PVT; Garrett, Mattie E T3; Gillisslee, Marie Birdell PFC; Grant, Bernice M PFC; Greene, Mary Elizabeth PFC; Griffin, Fannie A 1LT; Hall, Dolly Floyd PFC; Heyward, Louise Susan CPL; Hunt, Indiana PVT; Isaac, Elvena E PVT; Jackson, Edna L CPL; James, Ruth Elmah PVT; Jeffrey, Evangeline Gertrude PFC; Jennings, Ada Louise CPL; Johnson, Aleese Eileen PFC; Johnson, Lauretta PVT; Jones, Lillian Vera PFC; Jones, Louise Bromfield PVT; Jordan, Mercedes Antoinette 2LT; King, Sybil Muriel PVT; Lee, William Henrietta PVT; Lounds, Dorothy Elizabeth PVT; Loving, Ethel Christina T4; Lozi, Evelyn Bernice PFC; Lynch, Fannie E TEC5; Marshall, Gertrude W Martin SGT; Martin, Evelyn Clarisse T4; Mays, Emily Cynthia PFC; Mays, Ruth Michael PVT; McRae, Geneva T5; McRae, Ina SSG; McWhorter, Jetta Mae CPL; Meyers, Audrey PVT; Mitchell, Charla M PVT; Mitcherson, Katherine A PVT; Moore, Norma Katherine PFC; Morris Beatrice Rosetta PFC; Nowell, Vivian A PVT; Owens Lucie C CPL; Palmer Theodora Porcher PFC; Powell Josephine PVT; Reed, Evelyn PFC; Reeves, Earlene June PFC; Reid, Louise Almenta CPL; Rhoden, Myrtle A T5; Richardson Doris S T5; Riddick, Velma Ann T5; Robinson, Beulah E T5; Rose, Gertrude Louise SSG; Sanders, Edna Bernice T5; Schuster, Benita Franklin PVT; Sherman, Frances Cleo PVT; Showell, Lillian Viola PFC; Smith, Callie Katrina CPL; Stewart, Doris Elizabeth T5; Stone, Rose PVT; Studdard, Naomi PFC: Swantner, Blanche V PFC; Talbert, Fannie Louise T5; Tankard, Nispa Victoria PVT; Thomas, Bernice SGT; Toolsie, Edna PVT; Walker, Mary Elizabeth T5; Watts, Norma L PVT; Williams, Sara E PVT; Wood, Helen M PFC; Young, Dorothy Gloria PVT
Alexander, Sallie B PFC; Barker, Elizabeth B PFC; Brake, Odessa Alice PVT; Butler, Davetter PVT; Davis, Marian Gloria PFC; Conrad, Charlet Lillian PVT; Charlet Lillian PVT; Davis, Marian Gloria PFC; Dinkins, Susie V SSG; Dunn, Millie L T5; Gaddy, Ruth Lillian PFC; Glenn, Virginia Louise PVT; Gray, Frances Myrtle PVT; Hall, Esther DeLois CPL; Hayes, Vernese Virgina PFC; Hinton, Catherine Rosander PVT; Houston, Lucile M PFC; Jenkins, Emma L PVT; Johnson, Anne Leach SGT; Jones, Nannie Pearl PVT; Latta, Maggie Ada T4; Ledbetter, Theopia Louise PVT; Mills, Lottie S T5; Smith, Fannie Clarine PVT; Stroud, Inez Naomi CPL; Sutton, Effie Clark PFC; Taylor, Sarah G PFC; Terry; Annie Lee PVT; Whitley, Artelya PFC.
Armstrong, Katherine S PVT; Auls, Nevella T5; Barnes, Margaret Ellen 1LT; Bennett, Pearl L PVT; Bolden, Katherine S PVT; Boyce, Hattie PFC; Braxton, Claudia Drucilla PVT; Brown, Vivian Mae PFC; Bryers, Louise Ellene PFC; Bybee, Anna L PVT; Crockett, Maxine Amelia PVT; Cruse, Gertrude Elizabeth T5; Daniels, Mary Margaret T5; Dawson, Effie Vena PFC; DeWitt, Elizabeth Joyce CPL; Edwards, Carroll M PVT; Fitzsimmons, Vivian PFC; Gates, Mildred Rebecca PFC; Garner, Irene H. PFC; Gatliff, Dorothy M PVT; Grooms, Zella H PVT; Harrison, Vera A CPT; Hayes, Velma Paulene T5; Henderson, Bernice Gaines 1LT; Jefferson, Ruth Elizabeth CPL; Johnson, Catherine Caroline T5; Johnson, Eunice Lee PVT; Johnson, Tommie Mae PVT; Lottier, Ruth Lucille T5; McCloud, Ira Mae Harris PVT; McClure, Clara Jewett Johnson PVT; McCormick, Lucille PVT; Metoyer, Katherine Secina PVT; Minter, Alma Gladys T4; Nesby, Clara J. PVT; Norman, Hazel PFC; Oliver, Azalia PFC; Petway, Moniesah PVT; Prestwood, Duray Mae PFC; Queen, Dorothy PVT; Ringer, Dorothy Mae PFC; Robinson, Bessie Lee T4; Rookard, Tommie Lon PVT; Rozier, Mary Elizabeth PFC; Russell, Hazel Marie T5; Scott, Bernyce Quinette SGT; Singleton, Virginia Ann PFC; ; Smith, Alberta Myke SSG; Smith, Darnela Bernice PVT; Smith, Doris Josephine PVT; Smith, Rubye Marie PVT; Smith, Thelma T5; Solomon, Bertha Mae PVT; Tabb, Sarah Lee PFC; Turner, Dorothy Eurgenia PFC; Usher, Louise Rachel PVT; Warden, Laura Frazier PVT; Washington, Alberta Dorothy PFC; Wyatt, Ruth Lelan SGT.
Albretton, Blanche PVT; Brown, Izona J PVT; Brown, Opal Doris PFC; Colbert, Elizabeth Jean PFC; Jackson, Ethel Mae PVT; Jackson, Jewell Lorraine CPL; Lee, Theodosia Ernestine PFC; Loggins, Leatha Mae PVT; McClenton, Maggie M PFC; Morrow, Irene PVT; Moss, Anna W PVT; Rowland, Guthrie H PVT; Smith, Anjenettie PVT; Sneed, Mabel F PVT; Stokenberry, Trenna J PVT; Tillman, Birdie SSG; Williams, Allie E T5; Zeigler, Edna Mae T5.
Anderson, Jennie V PVT; Anderson, Love Peace CPL; Artist, Mary A PFC; Balls, Louisa PVT; Bastin, Edna PVT; Bell, Lena Derriecott CPL; Berks, Blanche Viola PVT; Berry, Carolyn Morse PVT; Brooks, Lucille McGhee CPL; Bugg, Vyvyanne Elmore PFC; Cartwright, Charlotte PVT; Collins, Florence A PVT; Cornwell, Elizabeth H PFC; Crews, Frances Vernon PVT; Crump, Catherine Jane PVT; Dabney, Violet PFC; Daniel, Rhoda A SGT; Dannals, Elsie Alverna PFC; Davenport, Naomi PFC; Davis, Ursula Virginia PVT; Dean, Freda Mae PVT; Dean, Ruth Naomi PVT; Demby, Addie Mae PFC; Elzie, Marian M PFC; Evans, Adele PVT; Ewings, Ophelia Mae PFC; Faulk, Ermayne Sanata PVT; Ferguson Alvia PVT; Ford, Alice Olivia PVT; Glover, Arena Theresa T5; Gould, Helen Vivian T5; Gray, Dolores Carolyn SGT; Green, Thelma Vivian PVT; Griggs, Hilda Parthenia PVT; Grundy, Marian Rosalie PFC; Harris, Rosa Mae SGT; Jackson, Willie Marie PVT; Jacobs, Isofine PVT; Johnson, Bebe C PVT; Johnson, Hessie PFC; Jones, Elaine Viola T5; Jordan, Frances C PFC; King, Catherine Alice SGT; LeSueuer, Evelyn C PFC; Lewis, Bernice F PFC; Long, Phyllis Gray PVT; Lucas, Grace Elizabeth PFC; Lucas, Willma Henrietta PVT; Mance, Tryphena Teresa PVT; Marsett, Berenice Elisabeth PVT; McNeal, Julia PFC; Monroe, Mary Priscilla T5; Moraney, Elizabeth PVT; Parker, O'Dell PVT; Patillo, Stella E SGT; Perry, Lillie PVT; Perry, Nazimova Lee PVT; Philpot, Alma Marjorie CPL; Pinkett, Helen Lee PVT; Purdy, Thelma Elizabeth PFC; Reid, Dorothy Louise PFC; Rich, Julia A 2LT; Robinson, Aleese Juanita PFC; Rodgers, Juanita Gertrude PFC; Russell, Sarah Olive T5; Smith, Alice Hester PVT; Stewart, Naomi Virginia PVT; Stovall, Janyce Lee PFC; Stribbling, Helen DeVon CPL; Sullivan, Eleanor Frances PVT; Taylor, Cleola E PVT; Townsend, Margoit Michele PVT; Warfield, Cornelia Dolores PVT; Williams, Dorothy Elizabeth T5; Williams, Eunice Viola SSG; Willis, Alberta Clarteen PVT; Wilson, Emma M PFC; Wilson, Ruby Mae PVT; Wood, Hilda E PFC; Wright, Catherine PVT; Young, Mary Purnell PVT.
Reese, Annie Mae PVT.
Adams, Charity Edna MAJ; Bacote, Alva B PFC; Balloon, Lucile M PVT; Hairston, Lucille Miller PFC; Holmes, Wilhelmina Lorenza PVT; Jackson, Hazel Stanford PFC; Jackson, Novella Ernestine PFC; Lipscomb, Ruby L PFC; Mazyck, Vivian Alice SGT; Poole, Carolyn Blondell PVT; Smalls, Ann E PFC; Taylor, Ermene Elizabeth PFC; Turner, Jennie Ruth CPL.
Allen, Luvenia T5; Baker, Myrtle PFC; Barksdale, Crinnia Mae PFC; Boggues, Ruth Elizabeth PVT; Burrell, Annie E PFC; Dailey, Gladys Sylvertla PVT; Howard, Lima Justine PVT; League, Ilda Ruth PVT; Madison, Cora DeVerne PVT; Martin, Mary Margurite PVT; Rainer, Georgia Mae PFC; Ross, Mary L PFC.
Allen, Hazel PFC; Booker, Bessie PVT; Boyd, Erma Pauline PVT; Brown, Ruth Verjil T5; Chinn, Freddie William PFC; Cole, Florence Marie T5; Ellis, Marguerite J PFC; Goodloe, Juanita SSG; Hill, Mary Louise PFC; Hooper, Mildred Lois PFC; Hopkins, Pauline Lewis PFC; Howard, Dorothy Lee CPL; Hughes, Ernestine Elizabeth T5; Hughes, Georgia Clarence PFC; Jackson, Ella Mae PFC; Lawrence, Jerrell SSG; Lee, Catherine PFC; Lewis, Lucille SGT; McClung, Ruby Lee SGT; McKnight, Martha Anna PVT; Mills, Ophelia PFC; Minor, Helen Beatrice PFC; Nelson, Catherine Louise SGT; O’Brien, Ruby M SGT; O’Riley, Essie Oralea PFC; Ortiz, Mablyne T5; Pate, Kate PFC; Penn, Essie Lee PVT; Peterson, Mildred Elizabeth PVT; Powell, Calonia V 2LT; Rettig, Jewell T5; Revernal, Minerva Loraine PVT; Richards Eddie, T PVT; Richardson Winnie, B PFC; Roberts, Onnie Lois PFC; Robey, Florida Elizabeth T4; Smith, Erma L PFC; Smith, Lucille PFC; Stuart, Rose T4; Taylor, Millie Mary PVT; Walton, Johnnie Mae CPL; Wright, Myrtle Elizabeth PFC; Zenon, Mable Jeannette PVT.
Akers, Amelia T5; Allen, Dorothy Elizabeth PFC; Allen, Earnestine Ada PVT; Allison, Alice Mae T4; Barbour, Margaret Francis PFC; Bowden, Kitty Cornelia PFC; Buster, Mary Emira SGT; Bratcher, Lillie G PFC; Brown, Catherine G SGT; Carr, Irene V CPL; Carter, Elisabeth PVT; Chappell, Frances PVT; Coleman, Mary Minkins PVT; Davis, Eula Gray PVT; Diggs, Rosa Gertrude PFC; Drummond, Martha A CPL; Edwards, Bertie Marie 2LT; Evans, Isabella P SSG; Finley, Annie Turner PFC; Galloway, Phyllis Inez PVT; Garrison, Anne B PVT; Gaskill, Edith F PFC; Hairston, Marie M T5; Henderson, Helen Ernestine PFC; Holmes, Helen R T5; Hutchins, Dorothy Elizabeth T5; Jackson, Dorothy Mae PFC; Jefferson, Frances Gertrude T5; Jennings, Hazel C CPL; Johnson, Romay C PVT; Jones, Leona Virginia PVT; Lawrence, Marian Elizabeth SGT; Lee, Katherine T5; Lewis, Mamie Lessie PFC; Lucas, Audrey Romaine PFC; Marshall, Genevieve PVT; Medley, Mary Nannie T5; Moore, Elizabeth Christina CPL; Moton, Jennie Dee CPL; Penny, Louise Tyler SGT; Pleasants, Annie Lucille PVT; Riddick, Ruth V CPL; Ross, Louise Virginia PVT; Ruffin, Grace Lee PFC; Scott, Antoinette Lillian PVT; Sessoms, Gertrude CPL; Smith, Myke A. Mitchell PVT; Stokes, Aubrey Annette 2LT; Tonkins, Vashti B 1LT; Wilson, Marcell Booker SGT.
Cawthorne, Anlethea Mollie PFC; Ferguson, Jane Elizabeth PFC; Ford, Lorener F CPL; Gammon, Mamie PVT; Jackson, Dorothy Delilah PVT; Martin, Frances PVT; Martin, Jeanette Belle T5; Miller, Phoebe Elaine PVT; Poindexter, Lucille A PFC; Saunders, Lerah N SGT; Simon, Clara Belle PVT Smith, Sallie M SGT; Thomas, Amanda F SSG; Watkins, Leila Mae PFC; Watkins, Virginia Powell PFC; Wells, Ester R PFC.
Ross, Evelyn T4; Woodson, Alice G SGT.
Unidentified States
Irby, Doris PFC; Keys, Sarah L PVT.
*Red Star - Identifies the three Soldiers of the 6888th who were killed on 8 July 1945 in a car accident while in the line of duty. They were laid to rest in the American Cemetery, Omaha Beach, Normandy.

Source: Major Dominic Johnson, US Army (Ret.) and Dr. Brenda L. Moore book-To Serve My Country, To Serve My Race, NY University Press.
Copyright © 2018 by Marsha Holder & the 6888th Monument Committee, All Rights Reserved